
At first, he thought he was in love with Haskell, for he could program in it every day without ever feeling bored. The complex syntax of mathematical constructions flowed from his fingertips like magic that connects the reality with the unfathomable ideal world. But not after long, dark currents begin to flow under the seemingly blissful surface, invading his crumbling world of mathematics. Crawling fear of losing his authentic Self floated on the lake of his Heart, mocking at his conformity and self-deception, at the woven tale he persuaded himself to believe in. At the same time, a strong force was pulling him towards a different state of being. This force was not coming from the outer world but always running in his own veins, waiting and brewing, until his own voices can finally be heard. This is a yearning towards Beauty thus Eternity, and ultimately Freedom.

He began to remember why he fell in love with Haskell in the first place. It was not because of its efficiency or practicality (if this programming language really has such qualities), but its elegance and those ideas behind such subtle constructions. What a pity that people nowadays were madly worshiping a newly-born god called technology and production! In his eyes, this “god” is yet another modern progeny of Urizen, who knows best about slavery and oppression.

After realizing his misplaced passion towards this god of modernity, together with the imprisonment of the soul brought by it, and the fetters built upon the so called preordained “career path”, he decided to leave for good. And this was the beginning of his rebellion.

“Be a poet or nothing at all”, he murmured to himself, but the echoes bouncing inside his soul were more formidable than the rolling stones and roaring thunders, declaring the war against any form of oppression and depression, reclaiming the path towards liberty and love.

Thus began his journey.

The story slowly unfolds.
