
  • The romantic ideal of excellence, of unity with oneself, consists of three basic components:
    • totality: that a person should develop all his or her characteristic human powers.
    • unity: that these powers be formed into a whole or unity.
    • individuality: that this whole or unity should be individual or unique, characteristic of this person alone.
  • The world as the organic unity. “I desire fullness.”
  • “the shape of consciousness” shifts across the history.
  • “immediate knowledge is privileged against mediated knowledge”
  • “perception is the gathering of sense certainties into a coherent whole.”
  • “the particular comes first in existence and the universal comes first in explanation.”
  • “the substance of the universe intrudes and pushes on the edges of our ideas dialectical movement
  • The negative is that which is different from, opposed to, other than.
  • Hegel’s thought characteristically observes the dialectical sequence: affirmation negation negation of negation (affirmation of something new)
  • “desire is the negative force by which the self seeks to cancel the otherness of the external world in order to affirm itself as absolute.”
