With dedicated planning comes a great benefit - directed desire and organized force. Imagine, if Dante never plans to descend into the Inferno and climb up Mt. Purgatory, he would never be privileged to ascend towards the Paradise. Although the burning wings of desire for Dante is largely religious and spiritual in nature, this rule of organized energy direction also applies to worldly matters if the destination is beneficent and justified.

Now, it is time to pack up everything clean and tidy, then make a dedicated plan - time is fleeting. Maybe a completely structured daily schedule is indeed one of the infectious traits of the modern malady called “hyperactivity”; maybe it indeed goes against the philosophical principle of going with the flow of life and embrace the endless metamorphoses. However, desire and strength still need to be organized and guided to make our life more fulfilling, and our achievements more tangible in this world.

Planning obeys the rule of reason and spontaneity allows the burst of energy, and to quote William Blake, “without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence.”1 (It seems I really like to quote Blake a lot), so both ways of doing things should be valued. They perhaps stand in the opposite poles but also remain in perfect balance.


1 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, William Blake